Creating a Significant Learning Environment, affectionately known as EDLD 5313, has been my most challenging course thus far. I was looking forward to this course because I spent so much time researching how to create a positive and productive learning environment over the summer. My first year teaching, 2021-2022, was a struggle to say the least. My classroom decor wasn't up to par, my walls were cell block c white, and my classroom culture was in need of a makeover. However, after the first few weeks of class I learned that there was so much more that contributes to creating a significant learning environment. One concept is collaboration and learning communities. I am fortunate to be on the same course path with the same group I started with during the Summer 2022 session. In previous courses I took more of a leadership role in my small group, but in EDLD 5313 I took a more subtle approach. I am thankful to have peers like Dawn, Kristin, Krissi, Adrianne, Anna, and Patrick to name a few. They have all help me in their own way, Adrianne even talked me out of dropping out of the program during week 4. My learning community helped me apply the practices we'd learned while reading Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success."
Although EDLD 5303 wasn't as project heavy, it pushed me to create something beautiful and unique. When I started creating my ePortfolio in EDLD 5302 I was only concerned with making sure the links to my assignments were live and working. I didn't put much thought into the aesthetic and how it reflected my personality. In Dr. H's Tuesday meetings he always preached the ownership element of COVA and making sure your ePortfolio was a reflection of you. In our last meeting of the session I think I asked him about 20 questions as it related to my site navigation, embedding documents versus pasting the copy. That last class meeting inspired me to make some significant aesthetic changes to my website at the last minute. I combed my site page by page to ensure my branding, color palette, and typography was consistent. I double checked that all my links were live and my media played on demand. I even changed the name of my site to my Instagram handle to increase overall brand consistency. On Thursday night around midnight I sent my revised eP link to our corporate ADL group me to see if anyone else was burning the midnight oil with me and had time to review it. Ms. Veronica responded almost immediately and reminded me that I needed a search bar. Thank God for her! I added my search bar and published my site. I am proud of the where my eP is now and I am even more excited to see how it continues to expand and get better.
Although I initiated the small group learning community for EDLD 5313 it was Anna, Adrienne and Krissi who made sure we were on track. Dawn, The ADL Fairy Godmother, wasn't in my small group but she was still very active in our larger corporate group and sent us weekly reminders regarding discussion posts, resources, and assignment deadlines. Even though I didn't serve as a leader in this course I am proud of the work I put in and my outcomes. This course has taught me that leadership isn't always the one delegating or organizing the masses, sometimes leadership is internal. EDLD 5313 reminded me that I am the leader of my own future and if I want to make things happen I have the power to do so.
In EDLD 5303 I was more comfortable in my ability to lead and or be helpful because web design and digital design are my wheelhouse. Patrick and Adrianne were the classmates I collaborated the most with. Patrick and I have similar Innovation Plans and we discussed ideas, platforms, implementation, and challenges together often. Adrianne, has become like a sister over the last four courses and we lean on each other a lot. When one of us is down the other is there to pull us back up.
In both 5313 and 5303 I was an active participant in class discussions and meetings. With the exception of two dates I'd previous provided to Dr. H that conflicted with a school training I was present for all online meetings. I also met with my small group and other peers regularly. I don't know how people can survive this program without the support, encouragement, and comradery the learning environments provide. As a digital design teacher I provided suggestions regarding ease of navigation, brand consistency, layout and composition to my small group. Again, Dawn, Adrianne, Patrick, Kristen, Krissi and Ms. Veronica were my go to peers when I need to vent, talk, or share. The most memorable and significant contribution to our small group learning community came from Ms. Veronica. Talking about God or religion in public forums like class discussions and online meetings can sometimes be met with rejection but I can honestly say that Ms. Veronica's prayers for us were felt. We needed them and to have someone intercede or go to God on your behalf is a blessing.
The discussions in EDLD 5303 gave me greater insight into the development and continued growth of my eP. It also gave me context to share with my students as we begin developing their personal brands in preparation for their eP creation in the Spring. Before we began the Fall session one of my peers told me that EDLD 5303 was a non-instructional class. It was designed to give you time to work on your eP and really take your time developing a true representation of you, your work, research, and BHAG. I am thankful for the time 5303 provided and proud of where my eP is today. I completed all assigned discussions and engaged with my peers in the comments section. My last discussion entry was a few days late, but I got it done.
5313, whew! Where do I begin? Things started off smoothly for this course until week four. I live with anxiety and depression and when life gets overwhelming I tend to retreat and release many of my personal and sometimes professional obligations. My latest episode started around week four and went into week five. My week four assignment went undo and I had no intention of communicating my struggles to Dr. Grogan because I didn't want her to think I was making excuses or lying to get extra time. So I'd decided to take the zero for my assignment grade and just move. During our weekly Zoom meetings for weeks four and five I was detached, uninterested and overall ready to dropout. I remember being on the phone with Adrianne explaining to her how I was feeling, how it was impacting my homelife and how I couldn't foresee things getting better anytime soon. She reminded me that bad times don't last forever and if I dropped out she'd find me! Lol! While I knew Adrianne was showing me compassion it wasn't enough to pull me out. While on my conference period at work I received an email from Dr. Grogan checking in on me and asking about my assignment. I was shocked! I didn't think she would notice the changes in my behavior or dig into why I didn't submit my assignment. We chatted briefly via email, she gave me words of encouragement and advised that I review the late work policy. In the end I completed my assignment, turned it in and got back on track. Due to my inconsistent and most times turbulent undergraduate experience I was never able to connect with one of my professors before. I am thankful for Dr. Grogan, her compassion and empathy. All assignments for EDLD 5313 were completed to the best of my ability in a timely manner with the exception of week four's Learning Philosophy. I completed all discussions and responses on time and provided meaningful feedforward.
What Worked
As has been true in all my course thus far, collaboration and community are key! Our weekly Zoom meetings are helpful as this is when we receive in-person instruction from our professors, but it is really the learning communities were form and meetings we have together that make all the difference.
What Didn't Work
Carol Dweck's Mindset: The New Psychology of Success has been my favorite assigned reading in the ADL program so far. I created a presentation for my students, initiated a reward system for using alternative vocabulary, and starting using social media to encourage them with they're not with me. And after all that, I still fell victim to a fixed mindset. The most traumatic and transformative experience for me this session was week four and Adrianne and Dr. Grogan's kind words. What didn't work and what will never work is isolation. As processed what transpired those two weeks with my therapist she reminded me that community is important in life. It is not human design to be alone, we need each other. Moving forward I will remember the words of my therapist, Adrianne, and Dr. Grogan the next time I experience a mental health episode. I am not alone in this program or in life, I will lean on the community I have for support and work through my emotions and mental health.
Self Reflection Scores
EDLD 5313 89
EDLD 5303 89
You are beautifully authentic! I am so honored to be along this road with you! I am so proud of you for recognizing that you are not alone and we are all in this together! I CANNOT wait to hug your neck at graduation!